Registration Information
Students interested in participating in a sport at HMS must register online. In addition to completing the online registration, all students must have an up-to-date sports physical on file with the Athletic Office. Physicals can be faxed, emailed or dropped off at HMS during the summer and prior to the start of the school year. Sports physicals are good for three calendar years from the date of the phyisician's signature.
Fall Sports Registration Information
Online registration for all fall sports will be open from Monday, July 17, through Friday, September 15. Registrations will not be accepted after September 16.
The first day of practice for football is Wednesday, August 30.
The first day of practice for all other fall sports is Wednesday, September 6.
Only students that have registered online and cleared by the Athletic Office will be able to participate in practice.
Registrations made after the first day of practice, must be completed by noon in order to participate in practice that day. Registrations completed after noon each day, will be able to participate the next day. For example, if registration is completed after noon on Thursday, September 7, that student will be eligible to participate the following day, September 8.
Questions should be directed to the Athletic Office at 651.480.7141 or emailed to jryan@hastings.k12.mn.us
Email and voicemail will be checked periodically throughout the summer.
For the best results when registering online, please use the browsers Firefox or Chrome. Paper registration will not be accepted. If computer access is needed to complete online registration, please contact the Athletic Office at 651.480.7141.

Need a last minute physical? CVS Minute Clinic located at 1411 Vermillion Street offers MNSHL exams 7 days a week. 651.438.2200
A completed Sports Qualifying Physical Examination Clearance form must be on file in the Athletic Office before sport participation can begin. The "physical" is good for three calendar years. Completed physicals, signed by a physician, can be dropped off in the main office during school hours including the summer.
Please note: Additional time is need by the Athletic Office to process online registrations, therefore; registrations must be received before noon to be eligible to practice the same day. Completed registrations received after noon will be eligible to practice the following day.
REFUND POLICY: The athletic fee will be refunded only if a student drops out of the sport within 14 days (2 weeks) from the first day of practice, NOT FROM THE REGISTRATION DATE. In order to be eligible for a refund, the athlete or parent must notify the middle school athletic office within 14 days of the first day of practice that he/she is dropping from the sport. Any equipment and/or uniforms must be turned in before a refund will be issued. A Middle School Athletic Fee Refund Request Form must be completed and turned into the athletic office before a refund can be processed. Forms are available online or may be picked up in the athletic office.