Since 2012 the HMS Athletic Department has hosted a golf club for boys and girls in grades five and six. Each year 20 HMS students have enjoyed learning the game of golf. Mr. Rohr and Mr. Hoffman, P.E. instructors, along with golf professionals, have instructed our club members in the game of golf. This is a great opportunity to learn about golf! Registration opens March 27.
The golf club will be offered again this year, twice a week on Mondays and Tuesdays, beginning April 17 (weather permitting) and ending May 9. Students are bused one way, free of charge, from HMS to Dakota Pines Golf Club (formerly Hastings Country Club). Students take the 2:55 courtesy bus, Route 51, from the HMS cafeteria to Dakota Pines. Parents are responsible for picking up their children from the course by 4:50 p.m. The cost to participate is $50. Checks should be made payable to Dakota Pines Golf Club. Students are expected to provide their own golf clubs. In addition to the payment, each student must have a completed Coach's Emergency Form.
Students should bring their clubs to school on Monday, April 17. A locked closet will be provided in the gymnasium to store the clubs. At 2:35 students should retrieve their clubs and go to the cafeteria to catch courtesy bus #51 that will take them to Dakota Pines. Staff will be available the first day to direct the students.

Dakota Pines summer golf opportunities for junior players. League play, Instruction.
Hidden Greens Youth Golf League
Ages 7 to 15...Thursdays starting July 6. Click here for more information. Registration form.